jQuery.browser | jQuery API Documentation The $.browser property is deprecated in jQuery 1.3, and its functionality may be moved to a team-supported plugin in a ...
#14242 (Internet Explorer 11 User Agent String Support) – jQuery Core - Bug Tracker Dear JQuery Technical Expert, I am Shifeng Li in Austin. I would like to ask about JQuery.org product release plan to support the new IE 11 browser User Agent string. The IE 11 browser has changed the User Agent String to “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Tri
jQuery fadeIn & fadeOut Internet Explorer Problems | kevinleary.net jQuery's fadeIn() and fadeOut() animations look distorted in Internet Explorer. Here's a quick, easy fix. ... Can't say I know a fix for that fresh, even a tough one. You may want to consider digging around stackoverflow.com for some similar scenarios:
jQuery Pseudo Plugin (:before and :after in Internet Explorer) jQuery Pseudo Plugin A jQuery plugin for :before and :after in Internet Explorer. Download Source (1.2k) Requires jQuery 1.1+ Author Luke Lutman Version 1.0 Updated February 6th, 2006 Info Features Examples Known Issues Pseudo-who? CSS2's :before and :aft
internet explorer - jQuery Object doesn't support property or method trim() in IE - Stack Overflow What's up with the jQuery trim method?? jQuery('#Reminders').attr('value').trim() Object doesn't support property or method 'trim' jQuery('#Reminders').attr('value') "5,1,1"
internet explorer - How to detect IE7 and IE8 using jQuery ... 2012年1月17日 - How can I detect IE 7 and IE 8 using jQuery.support properties? ... This is totally possible with support: if (!$.support.leadingWhitespace) { //IE7 ...
version - browser.msie error after update to jQuery 1.9.1 ... 2013年2月15日 - Now I updated jQuery to the new version 1.9.1 to use a new script. Now I get the following .... var MSIE = jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace ...
javascript - jQuery 1.9 - How to migrate from $.browser.msie ... 2013年8月16日 - To make this process simpler, jQuery performs many such tests and sets properties of the jQuery.support object. api.jquery.com/jQuery.support ...
browser - How to detect IE7 with jQuery? - Stack Overflow 2010年7月2日 - Please note that $.browser is removed from jQuery 1.9 ... using this property; please try to use feature detection instead (see jQuery.support). ... In developer tools of IE, if the document mode is selected as 7 for compatibility ...
5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScript/jQuery 2013年2月20日 - 5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScript/jQuery ... ways of making the support of IE versions easier please share and i'll include in the list.